AttrBox SUB Action Changes the color of the characters within a box. Syntax AttrBox row1%, col1%, row2%, col 2%, attr% Remarks The AttrBox procedure uses the following arguments. row1%, col1% ------------ An integer pair that specifies absolute screen row and column coordinates. row2%, col2% ------------ An integer pair that specifies the lower-right corner coordinates of an area. attr% ----- An integer that defines the color and intensity attributes for your particular display adapter. The number is derived by adding the product of 16 times the value of the background color (0 - 7) to the value of the foreground color (0 - 15). See the entries for the SCREEN and PALETTE statement for more information. AttrBox changes the color attribute of characters within a box, described by column and row coordinates, to the attribute contained in the argument attr%. The characters within the described area are unaffected, except for changes in color. AttrBox is used in MENU.BAS to provide shadows for the menus, and in WINDOW.BAS to draw the shadow on newly displayed windows. See Also. MenuDo, WindowShadowSave